Quarterly Satisfaction Survey

How likely is it that you would recommend Patorama Studios to a friend or colleague?

How likely is it that you would recommend Patorama Studios to a friend or colleague?

0-Not very likely and 10-Very likely

How satisfied are you with the photos that you receive?

How satisfied are you with the photos that you receive?

0-Not very and 10-Very

How satisfied are you with the video product you receive?

How satisfied are you with the video product you receive?

0-Not very and 10-Very

How easy do you find the online booking system to use?

How easy do you find the online booking system to use?

0-Not very and 10-Very

Overall, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the customer service you received from our team?

Overall, are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the customer service you received from our team?

What are the products that you use the most?

What are the products that you use the most?

Choose all that apply

Anything else you would like to see Patorama do more or less of?

Anything else you would like to see Patorama do more or less of?

Any staff you'd like to give a shout out too?

Any staff you'd like to give a shout out too?

Your Company

Your Company