It is getting harder and harder to get heard online and traditional methods of marketing are not as effective as they once were. In this article, we are going to talk about some new marketing methods that help grab your customers attention.
Did you know that to make a person aware of your product, you need to be seen by the customer at least seven times. By 2020 experts say this will rise to almost 20 times.
There are 2 main times of marketing methods – Direct Marketing and Utility Marketing.
Direct Marketing is all of the traditional forms of advertising like newspapers, TV commercials, billboards, bus advertising, posters, radio advertising and so on.
Utility Marketing this form of marketing is not about the sell. It is about connecting with your customer and showing them how you can help to solve their problem. You can still use some of the traditional methods of advertising but the difference is you are not directly selling a product, simply showing how this product could help solve their problems.
In 2019, the direct marketing strategy is boring, old and ineffective. You need to come up with other ways to grab new customers attention. This is when utility marketing comes into play. There are a variety of things that you can offer a potential customer.
Free e-Book
A free e-Book is a great way to gain new customers trust. You want to get a piece of data from them, but first, you have to give them something of value in return for their personal data. Offering a small e-Book that has some useful information such as; tips and tricks, how-to guides, recipes, top tips and so on are just some of the things you could include. The plus side is now you have their name and email address which means you have got a qualified lead that you can now keep advertising to use in email marketing.
Free Training Session
One way to add value to the customer is to give them access to an exclusive free training session. This training session can either be live or something that you have pre recorded. This video is not something that needs to go into depth about any of your products or services, rather it talks more about high-level thinking and overall concepts about the product, service or solution, there is no real timeframe on how long this should go for, as long as it thoroughly covers the points you are trying to make. Again the aim of this is to have the potential lead give you their name and email address so you can send further valuable information to them. This will then slowly form a conversation that leads them down a sales funnel.
Free coaching call or strategy session
A free coaching or strategy session is a great way to get a highly warmed lead and to start the introduction of a person and your company. This is now the first opportunity to make verbal communication with your potential lead. The idea behide a strategy session is to give out 15-30mins of your time to a potential lead to have a discussion on how you can solve the problem.
As you can see from these methods above, we have not once talked about a product or service, rather we have started a conversation. We are in the age of knowledge and self-learning. Even if you give information away you will still have customers that are willing to spend money with you because you show authority and that you are a thought-leader in what you do. It’s about building trust with your customers not just sell, sell, sell. For a person to commit to making a sale with you the decision is largely emotionally and less fact-based.
Drop us a line if you are looking to create one of these types of marketing campaigns, and our friendly team will be ready to help you!